Schedule: Monday - Sunday 24/7Hrs

For Appointments: +256-773795014, +256-781476762



The spiritual formation was well established by the early missionaries who were the founders of this Hospital. This too led to a change of people’s morals both at their places of work and in their private life. Since the Hospital Administration was very strict, the staff portrayed Christian character. Even some few Moslems were able to abide by the legislations and rules of the Hospital.


From Monday to Thursday, we have morning devotion between 8.00 am – 8.30 am and song practice on Friday’s. While Saturday is specifically for prayer and Sunday remains a Holy and dedicated day for worship and praise for the Lord which begins from 8.00 to 9:45 am with good turn up for the two services.

There is also Friday Fellowship, which was introduced in the year 2001, and is progressing with many people in the hospital and community around getting to know Jesus.

Every Monday evening fellowships were organized by the Kuluva School of Nursing students and were well attended by them. No serious cases of indiscipline e.g. pregnancies were registered in the School. So there are two services every Sunday. One in the Chapel led in English while the other in the OPD specifically for some able patients and their attendants.